Bible Reading Calendar


Sunday - 9AM PRAISE & WORSHIP, 9:30AM SUNDAY SCHOOL, 9:30AM BIBLE LESSON, 10:30AM FELLOWSHIP & SNACK. WednesDAY - 7:00am mens bible study, 6:30PM BIBLE STUDY

Why Read the Bible?

In order to grow in our understanding of God's Word and His will for our lives it is vital for us to take advantage of the great privilege we have to read the Bible. Due to the high amount of false teachers in the world today, and we know this will only grow as we draw nearer to the end, it becomes imperative for us to get into God's Word ourselves and see what it has to say. This allows us to be discerning about what we hear and be sure we are being fed the truth. Here at Clearview Chapel we would love to encourage everyone of you to read through the entire Bible each year. There are numerous different Bible reading calendars out there and we have chosen one from that helps us to easily get through the whole Bible and enjoy our opportunity along the way. In order to help you get more out of your time in the Word if you look under the study questions tab you will find a question for each chapter that you will be reading that week. Some are simple and some take some thinking and maybe even study. Feel free to call or email me at any time with any questions you may have about the Bible and how it applies to our lives today.

This Weeks bible reading calendar

"Blessed is he who reads and those who hears the words..." Rev 1:3a


52 Week Bible Reading Plan

Press Here for plan